Online Student Management is an Integrated Application and it is a datawarehouse of student and course information. A complete Web Based Applicationfor all Kind of Education institution, which is completely web enabled & operatesthrough Internet or LAN. Online Student Management is an integrated programautomated, controls all the different processes & procedures involved fromadmission till certification of students in educational institutions. The Online Student Management System is designed at integrating the fourelements of an educational system - Management, Teachers, Students and Parents.Online Student Management starts from a simple student portfolio to a complexopen communication channel which facilitates synchronization between the fourelements with information and helps institutions be efficient and effective.For the Online Student Management Principal, Faculty, Student, Admin, Dean/HOD,Parent are the actors i.e., Users. The Online Student Management is Internet based and it is a highly versatilesystem with provision for seamless incorporation of expanded module andresultant increased functionality as the development of new modules proceeds.At present there are 14 basic modules in Online Student Management which takescare of the academic and administration of information pertaining to students.
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